What to Expect

First Assembly of God has ministries for all ages! We welcome everyone in our community and would look forward to meeting you! We understand that visiting a church can be a daunting experience so we offer the following information to help you.

When are services?

We have age-appropriate Sunday School for everyone from toddler to Senior Adult beginning at 9:45 am every Sunday (see the list of classes). Both the Morning Worship Service (in the Sanctuary) and Children’s Church (upstairs in the Fellowship Hall) begin at 10:45 am.

Where is the church?

We are located on the eastern edge of Quitman at 909 E. Goode Street. A map and directions are available here.

Parking is available on the sides of each building and at the back of the buildings. Sunday School classes are held both in the Fellowship Hall (eastern most building) and the Sanctuary (western most building). Please enter the Sanctuary at the front under the covered area or in the adjacent building at the double doors under the covered walkway. Someone will be available to guide you as needed.


What should I wear?

We have no dress code at First Assembly. People dress casually or in suits and dresses. Please feel free to come dressed in a manner comfortable for you, yet appropriate.


What about my children?

First Assembly has Sunday School classes for all ages and Altared Kid’s Ministry beginning after the song service in the Morning Worship Service. A nursery is available as well.

What is the service like?

We start our service with prayer followed by a time of worship through music and singing. We follow the Scriptural direction of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs so you’ll hear modern and old choruses and hymns. We encourage each person to worship in a manner comfortable to them. For some, that means singing, clapping, raising their hands, and even dancing; for others, it means a quieter manner of worship. Some stand, some sit. We simply want people to worship from their heart!

After the time of worship, Pastor Ken Otwell preaches. He is an expository preacher with messages designed to help us understand Scripture more fully and to apply the Scripture to everyday life.


What about giving?

During each Morning Worship Service there will be a time to worship God through giving His tithes and our offerings. But, as a guest, please do not think you have to give. This time is an act of worship for anyone present who would like to honor God through the act of giving.



We celebrate Communion together on the last Sunday of each month. All present who have made the decision to follow Jesus Christ are invited to participate. To learn more about why we celebrate Communion, please visit our What We Believe page.

Other Services

We have services on Sunday evenings at 6:00 pm similar in format to the Sunday Morning Worship service. On Wednesday evenings, Mid-week Service for Adults and age-appropriate activities for children and youth (QAG Youth) are available.